
with love from Luleå

Somewhere in a unique land of fear, yearning, death and love, writer-director-actor Staffan Westerberg has done it again. With Selma och Ågust at Stadsteatern, this remarkable man together with a capable ensemble of actors and musicians once again captures our imagination, dancing along the abyss from the women's restroom at the Nobel Banquet to the nursing home where nothing matters any more (and, as if that wasn't enough, they're serving pancake tomorrow - "don't mention that dish!"). Smiles and tears and standing ovations. Theater simply doesn't get any better than this.


Pia K said...

I'm not much of a theatre goer, I find it in genereal to be, surprisingly, too theatrical and surreal. I prefer to get my cultural dose through books, music, films and TV.

But this does sounds like an interesting exception, I never did get "lost in the pancake" it was just plain boring and not brilliant like professor Balthazar:), but I do like quirky things and people and this play does sound like a good one!

stromsjo said...

We can certainly agree on the merits of Professor Balthazar!

I used to believe that theater was something boring you had to visit with your class at school and it took many years of my absence until I rediscovered this arena later in life. Now I can't seem to get enough!