
future in the rear mirror

Security risk is uncertainty about undesirable future events, a lack of control. To reduce uncertainty, we'd need a way to look into the future. And we can.

Having identified threat sources and vulnerabilities relevant to our assets, we construct risk by formulating realistic events. Neither objective nor scientific, it does provide a crystal ball of sorts.

Also, what has already happened? History is an indicator of what might happen. Spotting the future in the rear mirror could be our best option.


the risk you wouldn't want

There are different kinds of risk. Some are desirable. Doing business means taking risk to make money. The risk appetite will vary between companies and over time.

Other risks represent things going wrong in a company's everyday activities. We call them operational. You won't have an appetite for them. Instead, we talk of risk tolerance. When do you decide to close a factory, do things differently to avoid the potential cost? Operational risks are risks you don't want. Infosec risks among them.