
still standing

Paid a visit at the cottage again after three weeks and two major storms. No particular damage to be seen, apparently Dad did a good job building this some 40+ years ago. The only unpleasant surprise was that a valve had been literally pushed in through the cellar wall leaving a hole where the relative warmth of the cellar was rapidly escaping in these cold nights. A few more nights and we would have had frozen water pipes to deal with. Lucky timing.
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messy, indeed

New Year was reported to have been messy in parts of the country. Messy. What kind of word is that? My kitchen table is messy, to put it mildly. Here we’re talking assault, rape, drunkenness and arson. Messy, indeed.

January in Malmö

- My bike is the seventh in the third row.
Or was it the third in the seventh row?
Which one is yours?
Environmentally friendly parking lot by the Central Station in Malmö.
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