
reasons to smile today

  • a nice dinner with some special colleagues this week
  • another day without snow and ice on the roads
  • finished the Risk Management course without catching a cold
  • a lovely weekend at the cottage
  • another day with a non-socialist government
  • listening to SR X
  • today’s BC
  • incredibly stupid spam offers constantly arriving
  • a couple of tickets for Ramel à la Carte next weekend
  • being healthy, having time and freedom to blog


thanks, fellow tax payers!

I study, therefore I am? Well, not exactly but it's certainly time well spent. It’s such a luxury really. A fairly well-paid guy at 45 with a sixteen year old exam chooses to take some additional university courses to enhance his career and the tax payers foot the bill. Tuition fees have been a non-issue in Sweden but this will have to change. I don’t mind being subsidized but I imagine there should be better ways for the state to spend our tax money.


November in Gothenburg

The pale November sun shines on the quays of Saltholmen.
The water looks distinctly green in this particular light.