
compact living - revisited

OK, so it's official.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with my SLR camera but photography has become immensely boring. It's too heavy to carry around unless I have some specific shooting in mind. Consequently, the camera stays home six days a week and snapping photos has turned into a Planned Activity on Rare Occasions.

Clinging to a Point&Shoot is not supposed to be healthy for anyone aiming to take photography seriously. Still, I did cling for years and I miss those days. I suppose my photos are in some respect technically "better" these days but they're also rather uninspired. Creative moments are few and far between and I blame my heavy-weight SLR companion. In my world, a camera should be something handy to stick in your bag (or - even better - your pocket!) and forget about until the moment you encounter Something Worthy of Being Snapped.

So, let it be known. I miss my P&S.


Anonymous said...

Anyone who want to take photography seriously should have a camera he is comfortable with. Without camera no photos. How serious a photographer is that?

stromsjo said...

...or find a way to be comfortable with a richer set of tools. But how?

Anonymous said...

It's not in the tools. It's in the mind. My point: Find a camera you like, the rest will follow.

Mo said...

My shoulders would agree with you most days

stromsjo said...

Sports or nature photographers won't agree but I don't need to walk in their shoes...

Lets listen to our shoulders!

Thanks, Peter and Mo.

Pia K said...

peter has a valid point. and no matter how fancy camera one might have, it's in the eye and within, not the style of camera who creates the photo. i too miss my old wee camera, but not because i find it very tiresome to carry around the slr (even if the choice of handbag alas will be rather limited, but i'm sure that's not really bothering you...;) but simply because some of the photos i took with that actually turned out better than the ones i take now. the more complex the camera the more things that has to be just exactly right (if one don't want to do a whole lot of photoshopping...). and the macro-lens was way better on the wee one than on my regular slr lens and i can't say splashing out on a new macro-lens feels like a priority etc etc.

now these days i do quite love the snapping of photos + editing with my iphone, and it's so much easier on shoulders;)

i guess we always evolve with our photographing, and it really doesn't have to be with a fancy camera and lots of extra equipment. there's so much more ways to be creative and capture moments well and in a personal way.