
the future in your rear mirror

Once in a while things happen for the first time. Experts talk of black swans, events we couldn't imagine.

Those are the exceptions. Many accidents occur repeatedly. In fact, a useful tool for gazing into the future is a rear mirror.

But I haven't had any disasters, you say? Good for you! What about those times you were lucky? Or, not as unlucky as you could have been? Use the history within your context, think of what has happened. Imagine what the impact could be, another day, under worse conditions.


when the smoke clears

The 2014 Västmanland wildfire turned into a six weeks-long regional emergency.

It remains a source for insight into what works and what doesn't in societal preparedness. Issues from civil-military cooperation and local-regional-national coordination to volunteering, training and helicopters are subject to a broad study by Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).

I was fortunate to attend last week's project update, and I recommend the webinar version with lessons for any practitioner in Crisis Management.